Slide content Slide contentNAMI is committed to helping our community heal.
Annual impact highlights
- 300 clients regularly attend NAMI Support Groups
- 745 budding artists attend Creative Expressions Art Support Workshops
- 122 graduates from NAMI Education Classes
- 300 families work with Family Navigator Program
- 1000 walkers participate in NAMIWalks
- 2022 990 Form Download
Impact stories from family members, adults, and volunteers
Impact on family members
Melissa Fitzgerald began coming to Family Support Groups after her daughter was diagnosed with a mood disorder and was in the middle of a crisis. She wanted to understand what her daughter was going through, and shortly after she started attending the support group, her daughter was hospitalized. Since Melissa began coming to NAMI in 2017, she said she has received nothing but positive support.
- “NAMI is a tremendous resource for me and my family. It has given me a tremendous amount of peace of mind as I navigate this issue with my daughter.” Read more about Melissa’s story.
Impact on adults experiencing mental health issues
Cheryl is diagnosed with Bipolar II and Attention Deficit Disorder. She has been with NAMI Greater Toledo so long, she can’t remember when she joined. All she remembers is reading about it somewhere and the rest is history. She joins the Monday and Wednesday night support groups and volunteers in the NAMI office. Along with this, Cheryl credits NAMI for helping her start to play piano again.
- “They saved my life. I don’t know what I would do without NAMI. Just sharing with the other people and listening to what they have to say is inspiring.” Read more about Cheryl’s story.
Impact on NAMI members & volunteers
Jess, a 33-year-old Wittenber college graduate has struggled with mental health issues since her 20s. She initially struggled with severe depression, and then experienced hallucinations. After a few stays at a hospital psychiatric ward, she says the doctor properly diagnosed her as suffering from Schizoaffective disorder with depression and PTSD. Now she takes psych meds to control her mental health issues, and things are on the upswing. She does yoga in the mornings to energize herself and uses breathing techniques throughout the day if she starts feeling overwhelmed. She says today, she is stable. She began volunteering for NAMI’s young adult Creative Expressions support group as a facilitator.
- “It has brought me peace and hope. It’s given me a sense of a path and a purpose. It gives me something to keep working towards and gives me an answer to: why is this all happening to me?” Read more about Jess’ story.