Greetings Parents and Youth:
NAMI would like to make sure everyone has access to our services and programs while practicing social distancing. So, we have prepared our KidShop/TeenShop program series to go virtual beginning Saturday, May 23rd – 11:00am to 1:00pm.
Kidshop/Teenshop are programs for school-aged youth living with a mental health diagnosis or with a loved one with a diagnosis.
This program gives youth facts about mental IIIness, helps the youth develop coping skills in the home, school, and the Community while forming lasting friendships with peers who are living similar experiences.
The six-Week program encourages participation in fun, educationaI activities that separate fact from fiction when it comes to the stigma attached to having a mental health diagnosis; engaging In role pIay helps to express how one feels about what is going on around them.
The workshop includes a ′′get acquainted’’activity; Current topic of discussion; and a role play activity.
The facilitators are gearing up to make sure their time with the youth will capture their attention and keep them interested and engaged in interactive activities, discussions and participation. If your child(ren) have access to a desktop, laptop or smartphone, they are ready to join us and have fun while learning.
Will this be your first time signing your child(ren) up for KidShop/TeenShop Program series? Let me know and I will send the application as an attachment to your email address. You can complete the application and return it the same way.
If your child(ren) would like to participate and they have access to a smartphone, desktop or laptop, please RSVP by clicking below with their name and the email address they would like us to send the invitation to, and we are all set.
RSVP or email request for more information to Mary Finch at mfinch@namitoledo.org